
Mandarin Language Tuition

Chinese Language and Cultural Advice has developed a teaching methodology that is vastly different to the traditional style of classroom learning. Our training is participant-focused and highly interactive. You will be able to speak some Mandarin after just a couple of lessons and more importantly, understand how Chinese people think.

We offer a total of 16 course levels, each with a 10 week syllabus. Levels start at absolute beginner and progress to advanced.

After completing a few course levels with us, participants will be able to lead discussions on interesting topics and work-related issues. Participants who complete all 16 course levels will be able to express themselves fluently in Mandarin and discuss socio-political and cultural topics.

If you have previously studied with another institution, we are happy to provide you with an assessment to decide which level suits you the most, should you decide to pursue further study with us.

To discuss your in-house training needs Contact Us.

Please refer to our Workshops and Courses section for our latest training schedule.