

/* ############# corporate-training ############*/


In-depth knowledge of Asia is essential for company directors, government departments and other key decision makers to maximise the opportunities in the Asian Century. CLCA specialises in tailored intercultural competency training for businesses and organisations.

Our training can focus on topics such as:

  • Social etiquette (managing inbound & outbound delegations)
  • Business negotiating skills and common strategies
  • Cross-cultural communication skills
  • How to create an inclusive and efficient work environment
  • Customer service excellence for retail & tourism operators
  • Employability skills and global awareness for young professionals
  • Branding and marketing for Australian brands entering Asia

Corporate Training

Industry-focused workshops combining cultural awareness with market analysis and practical business advice

/* ############# brand-activation ############*/


CLCA provides comprehensive and dedicated services to assist Australian businesses develop e-marketing solutions. Our experienced IT and social media marketing experts are able to offer:

  • Marketing diagnostic and brand growth strategy development
  • Facilitate ‘online to offline’ events to create customer awareness and gain kudos
  • Online content translation, curation and creation
  • Website development and maintenance
  • WeChat and Weibo official account creation, customisation and management

Brand Activation

Customised e-marketing strategy, content curation and creation, and consumer engagement campaigns

/* ############# export-advice ############*/


CLCA provides comprehensive services to assist Australian exporters find a way to enter the Asian market. Through our extensive knowledge of Asian business environment and strong partnership network, we are able to:

  • Research involving the summary, collation and synthesis of data, environmental scanning to identify opportunities
  • Asia-readiness health check, with a strong focus on business cultures, practices, and languages
  • Gap analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix
  • Brand reputation, story, and pitch development tailored for Asia
  • Consumer trends and product-market fit analysis

Export Advice

Review and assist in modifying trading strategies and methods, facilitate meetings between sellers and customers

/* ############# investment-facilitation############*/


For Australian business owners seeking Chinese investment, you can use CLCA as a platform to build mutual trust. CLCA has a strong network of professional service providers and government connections in a few provinces and cities in China.

Many of the investment interests out of China are related to permanent residency status in Australia, usually in the forms of Business Innovation & Investment, and Business Talent visas. CLCA has fully qualified in-house migration agent to assist these potential Chinese customers with migration-related issues.

CLCA can assist Australian businesses and Chinese businesses pursue co-operation opportunities by providing our clients with the knowledge, contacts, and market intelligence in order to make informed decisions. CLCA can assist our clients in the following areas:

  • In-house migration service
  • Identify business opportunities and potential business partners
  • Facilitate access to highly reputable service providers (legal and accounting) in China and Australia
  • Post-investment business management and reporting
  • Document translation and delegation hosting

Investment Facilitation

Develop relationships with Chinese investors through using our registered in-house business migration agent

/* ############# language-translation ############*/


We have the expertise and resources to handle complex and lengthy documents across different industries. We provide Chinese, Japanese, and Korean translations for:

  • Marketing collaterals
  • Surveys and evaluation forms
  • Wine labels and tasting notes
  • Technical documents
  • Business tenders and contracts
  • Websites
  • Video subtitles

CLCA provides high-level interpretation services. We are experienced in ministerial meetings, formal business banquets, and high-end wine tasting events. Our escorting interpreters are not only skilled in language interpretation services, but also have highly specialised subject matter knowledge thanks to our continuous training in these industries. You can utilise our interpretation service at these events:

  • Business meetings
  • Banquets and networking functions
  • Formal ceremonies
  • Conferences
  • Site visits
  • Business trips to China

Language Translation

Translation of marketing collateral, websites and technical files, as well as liaison interpretation (consecutive)

/* ############# Mandarin-tuition ############*/


CLCA has developed a teaching methodology that is vastly different to the traditional style of classroom learning. Our training is student-focused and highly interactive. You will be able to speak some Mandarin after just a couple of lessons and more importantly, understand how Chinese people think.

We are able to tailor our learning modules and content to suit the needs of our clients, whether they are a leading bank, an established wine brand, or a major retail complex.

Online courses are available for certain sectors. For more information please contact us.

Mandarin Tuition

Smaller, more interactive classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, using CLCA’s own materials

Industry Affiliation


Upcoming Courses

Contact Us


PO Box 11, Rundle Mall
South Australia 5000

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